Research Group

Climate Change and Energy Transition Program

The Institute of Energy Studies of Peking University launched the Climate Change and Energy Transition Project in March 2021 to help China address climate change and promote its energy transition to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Through scientific research, the project sets ambitious goals, develops a clear roadmap and an effective action plan, and provides advice and support for government decision-making. Significantly reduce non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane, HFCs and black carbon, and conduct nature-based carbon neutrality studies. The specific research areas of the project cover the coordinated and comprehensive development of macro energy and the environment, economy and society; the control of total fossil energy consumption; technological innovation in energy development and utilization; the transformation of the power sector to a renewable energy-based system; the promotion of electrification; the low-carbon green development of high-energy-consuming sectors; sustainable transportation models; the demonstration and promotion of regional, provincial and municipal carbon neutral models; the control of scattered coal and plastic pollution; and the transformation of social justice.